EMN Luxembourg Weekly Brief (25 mars 2024)
Vous trouverez dans le document ci-joint les plus récentes actualités liées aux migrations, l’asile et l’intégration. Bonne lecture!
Vous trouverez dans le document ci-joint les plus récentes actualités liées aux migrations, l’asile et l’intégration. Bonne lecture!
EMN Inform: Digitalisation of identity documents and residence permits issued to third-country nationals EMN Note de synthèse: Numérisation des documents d’identité et des titres de séjour délivrés aux ressortissants de pays tiers
This meeting, jointly organized by the Council of Europe and the EMN Luxembourg within the framework of the EMN Platform on Statelessness had several aims. Firstly, this event served as an opportunity to share good practices and challenges on following topics: Child-friendly procedures around statelessness and nationality; Access to nationality for children. Secondly, the event … Continued
Vous trouverez dans le document ci-joint les plus récentes actualités liées aux migrations, l’asile et l’intégration. Bonne lecture!
The meeting brought together the Ombudspersons, representatives of Ombudspersons for children as well as children welfare and guardianship authorities of EU Member States and other countries. The aim of the event was to have an open discussion on the specific aspects of the rights of third-country national unaccompanied minors. The meeting was organised as a … Continued
NB! Please note the reporting period of this study, which is 2017-2022 ! As indicated in the last paragraph below, the most significant amendment to the law took place after the reporting period, namely in September 2023. More specifically, on 1 September 2023, the Law of 7 August 2023 modifying 1° the Labor Code; 2° … Continued
Vous trouverez dans le document ci-joint les plus récentes actualités liées aux migrations, l’asile et l’intégration. Bonne lecture!
The aim of this EMN Luxembourg inform is to shed light on the critical issue of ensuring the protection of children without parental care across EMN Member States. Regardless of their nationality or residence status, children who find themselves unaccompanied by their families are entitled to special protection and assistance from the State. While EU … Continued
Vous trouverez dans le document ci-joint les plus récentes actualités liées aux migrations, l’asile et l’intégration. Bonne lecture!