Le regroupement familial des ressortissants de pays tiers en UE: pratiques nationales

Cette note de synthèse présente les principaux résultats de l’étude réalisée en 2016 par le Point de contact luxembourgeois du European Migration Network intitulée « Le regroupement familial des ressortissants de pays tiers en UE : pratiques nationales » ainsi que du rapport de synthèse, élaboré par la Commission européenne à partir des études nationales de 26 … Continued

18th EMN Bulletin (January – March 2017)

The EMN Bulletin provides policymakers and other practitioners with updates on recent migration and international protection policy developments at EU and national level. The 18th Edition provides information from January to March 2017, including the (latest) relevant published statistics.

Synthesis Report – 2016 Annual Report on Migration and Asylum

This Synthesis Report was prepared on the basis of National Contributions from 24 EMN NCPs (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, Norway) according to a Common Specifications Template developed by the EMN and followed … Continued

Conference – “Afghanistan/EU – Ethno-religious conflicts and asylum policy” – 31 January 2017

The recently established agreement between Afghanistan and the EU, the so-called „Joint way forward on migration issues” (Kabul, 2 October 2016) has brought about a public debate in Luxembourg and other EU member states. Apart from the question of whether Afghanistan can be considered a “safe third country”, the agreement raises general issues on asylum … Continued

Addressing Statelessness in the European Union, One year on from the adoption of European Council Conclusions – 18 January 2017

On 18th January 2017 at the Residence Palace in Brussels took place the EMN, UNHCR and ENS conference ‘Addressing Statelessness in the European Union: One year on from the adoption of European Council Conclusions’. The conference was aimed at discussing the effort to address statelessness in the EU and at identifying further actions needed. The … Continued

Synthesis Report: the Return of Rejected Asylum Seekers – Challenges and Good Practices

Given the recent increase in asylum applications in the EU and considering the general gap between third-country nationals issued a return decision and those that have returned, the EMN conducted this study with the purpose of investigating the specific challenges of the return of rejected asylum seekers and Member State responses to these challenges.

Family reunification of third-country nationals in the EU: national practices

The present report summarises the main findings of the LU Study on “Family reunification of third-country nationals in the EU”. In Luxembourg, family reunification is one of the main reasons for immigration of third-country nationals. In fact, “family member” and “private reasons (family links)” residence permits (first deliveries and renewals) represented more than a third of … Continued

Programmes de réinstallation et d’admission humanitaire en Europe – qu’est-ce qui fonctionne?

Cette note de synthèse présente les principaux résultats de l’étude réalisée en 2016 par le Point de contact luxembourgeois du European Migration Network intitulée «Programmes de réinstallation et d’admission humanitaire en Europe – Qu’est ce qui fonctionne?» ainsi que du rapport de synthèse, élaboré par la Commission européenne à partir des études nationales de 24 … Continued

Retour de demandeurs de protection internationale déboutés: défis et bonnes pratiques

Cette note de synthèse présente les principaux résultats de l’étude réalisée en 2016 par le Point de contact luxembourgeois du Réseau européen des migrations intitulée «Retour de demandeurs de protection internationale déboutés: Défis et bonnes pratiques». L’étude se situe dans le contexte de l’accroissement récent des demandes des personnes en recherche de protection et des … Continued











