The EMN Luxembourg’s principal mission is to represent Luxembourg’s migratory situation at national and European level, as well as before other EU Member States (except Denmark) and the EMN Observer Countries, namely Norway, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, Ukraine, Montenegro, Armenia and Serbia. Thus, it aims to provide up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on Luxembourg’s migration and asylum situation.
Since 2009 the coordination of the EMN Luxembourg has been assigned by the Luxembourgish government to the University of Luxembourg. The National Reception Office (ONA) acts as the EMN Luxembourg Steering Board Member.
- Office national de l’accueil (ONA) –
Pietro Lombardini (Steering Board Member) - Direction générale de l’immigration du Ministère des Affaires intérieures –
Charlotte Rauchs - Département de l’intégration du Ministère de la Famille, des Solidarités, du Vivre ensemble et de l’Accueil –
Anne Daems, Pierre Weiss - The Ministry of Justice –
Pascale Millim - Centre d’étude et de formation interculturelles et sociales (CEFIS) –
Sylvain Besch - Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (STATEC) –
François Peltier