Attracting Highly Qualified and Qualified Third-Country Nationals

Luxembourg’s economy is focussed on the financial and service sector having one modern and financial centre. The government policy intends to focus on attracting highly added value activities focussed in new technologies (biomedicine and information and communication technologies – focussing on IT security), logistics and research. However, Luxembourg being one of the smallest countries in the European Union, … Continued

Individual Profiles and Migration Trajectories of Third-Country National Cross-border Workers

A more recent aspect of the national migration policy was to resort to cross-border labour force from the 1990s onwards. Indeed, the Greater Region, formed by Luxembourg, Saarland and Rhineland-Palatinate (Germany), Lorraine (France) and Wallonia (Belgium), constitutes the biggest political transnational space in Europe and counts almost 25% of the total number of cross-border workers … Continued

Immigration of International Students to the EU

The overall objective of this study is to provide an overview of the immigration policies implemented by each Member State and Norway regarding international students and taking into consideration the above mentioned aspects. At the national level, the topic is highly important if one takes into account that the University of Luxembourg is a young … Continued

Intra-EU Mobility of Third-Country Nationals

The National Legislative Framework: Visas and Residence Permits Scale and Scope of the Phenomenon Identified Restrictions to Intra-EU Mobility of Third-Country Nationals Conclusions

Marriages of Convenience and False Declarations of Parenthood

In Luxembourg, there have been discussions on marriages of convenience as being used to allow the entrance of foreigner by the procedure of family reunification. As the ICCS mentioned in 2010 there was the suspicion that there had been an increase of marriages of convenience between Luxembourgish and EU national with asylum seekers to allow … Continued

Visa Policy as a Migration Channel

Issuing a visa derives from the sovereign authority of the State. Visa policy is composed of a group of parameters set by national legislation (Constitution, laws, regulations and decrees), thereby allowing the administration to determine which foreigners can be admitted to enter and stay on a temporary basis on its territory. It is a social phenomenon … Continued

Practical Measures for Reducing Irregular Migration

In this study, the EMN NCP LU attempts to provide, as far as possible, an overview of existing approaches, mechanisms and measures implemented in Luxembourg in order to address irregular migration. The analysis of different governmental programmes has shown that the fight against irregular migration has gradually become a priority on policy level over the … Continued

Circular and Temporary Migration

Circular and temporary migrations have become important concepts at the global and EU-level and have elicited remarkable interest among policy-makers and scholars, notably in relation to the wider issue of migration and development. The preparation of the national contribution to the EMN study on circular and temporary migration has shown that, in Luxembourg, both political … Continued

The Strength of Internal Employment and the Migratory Policy

Economic immigration is considered by the European Union Member States as an important factor for resolving not only the problem of ageing of the general population of the Union, but also the negative birth-rates and the lack of highly qualified labour. After the economic and financial crisis of the last three years the problem is … Continued

Lunch Time Seminar – Travail et intégration des migrants: recrutement, reconnaissance, relations sociales au et par le travail – 13 juillet 2015

Les colloques du midi sont organisés par le Point de contact national au Luxembourg du Réseau européen des migrations (LU EMN NCP) et vont aborder des sujets tels que : investisseurs et entrepreneurs immigrés, start-ups, travailleurs hautement qualifiés, étudiants internationaux, fuite des cerveaux (brain drain), gaspillage des compétences (brain waste), mesures d’intégration, entraves administratives, changements … Continued











