Lunch Time Seminar – Investor migrants: what do they really bring? – 10 February 2015

The lunch time seminars are organised by the Luxembourg National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (LU EMN NCP) and will cover themes such as: immigrant investors and entrepreneurs, start-ups, highly-qualified migrants, international students, brain drain, brain waste, integration measures, administrative hurdles, demographic change, intra-EU mobility. Presentation by : Guna Sankar Ramasamy Kone, Policy … Continued

Lunch Time Seminar – Undocumented migrants as rights holders in the EU migration policy framework – 13 January 2015

The lunch time seminars are organised by the Luxembourg National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (LU EMN NCP) and will cover themes such as: immigrant investors and entrepreneurs, start-ups, highly-qualified migrants, international students, brain drain, brain waste, integration measures, administrative hurdles, demographic change, intra-EU mobility. Presentation by : Kadri Soova, Advocacy Officer, Platform … Continued

Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors in Luxembourg – 2014

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors (from here on referred to as ‘UAMs’) has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a … Continued

Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors in Luxembourg – 2014

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a tailored reception and supervision solution for all … Continued

Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors in Luxembourg

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors (from here on referred to as ‘UAMs’) has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a … Continued

Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors in Luxembourg 2014

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors (from here on referred to as ‘UAMs’) has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a … Continued

Policies, Practices and Data on unaccompanied minors in Luxembourg – 2014

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors (from here on referred to as ‘UAMs’) has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a … Continued

Good Practices in the Return and Reintegration of Irregular Migrants: Member States’ Entry Bans Policy and Use of Readmission Agreements between Member States and Third Countries

This EMN Inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Main Study on Good practices in the return and reintegration of irregular migrants: Member States’ entry bans policy & use of readmission agreements between Member States and third countries. The Study was based on contributions from EMN National Contact Points in 24 Member States, plus … Continued

Good Practices in the Return and Reintegration of Irregular Migrants: Member States’ Entry Bans Policy and Use of Readmission Agreements between Member States and Third Countries

The Study’s main aims were to: Analyse similarities and differences between Member States concerning the legal and institutional framework on entry bans; Explore the practical application of entry bans by mapping and reviewing whether Member States make use of a graduated approach (including withdrawal/suspension of entry bans and in what circumstances); and investigating cooperation mechanisms … Continued

Migrant Access to Social Security and Health Care: Policies and Practices

The equal treatment provisions contained in the EU’s Migration Directives have influenced national legislation and practice, in particular as regards the social security rights of third-country nationals holding long-term residence permit and EU Blue Card holders. (The timing of the research conducted for this study did not permit analysis of the impact of the Directives … Continued











