Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors (from here on referred to as ‘UAMs’) has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a … Continued

Lunch Time Seminar – The interaction between the media and the public opinion: social media becoming a source of information – 2 December 2014

Les colloques du midi sont organisés par le Point de contact national au Luxembourg du Réseau européen des migrations (LU EMN NCP) et vont aborder des sujets tels : investisseurs et entrepreneurs immigrés, start-ups, travailleurs hautement qualifiés, étudiants internationaux, fuite des cerveaux (brain drain), gaspillage des compétences (brain waste), mesures d’intégration, entraves administratives, changements démographiques, … Continued

Lunch Time Seminar – Brain drain: le défi de convaincre les architectes de notre avenir ? – 11 November 2014

Les colloques du midi sont organisés par le Point de contact national au Luxembourg du Réseau européen des migrations (LU EMN NCP) et vont aborder des sujets tels : investisseurs et entrepreneurs immigrés, start-ups, travailleurs hautement qualifiés, étudiants internationaux, fuite des cerveaux (brain drain), gaspillage des compétences (brain waste), mesures d’intégration, entraves administratives, changements démographiques, … Continued

Policy Report on Migration and Asylum 2013

Le rapport politique sur les migrations et l’asile donne un aperçu des principaux débats politiques et développements dans ce domaine au Luxembourg au cours de l’année 2013.

7th LU EMN NCP annual Conference: Business-Related Migration. The Position of Luxembourg within Europe and Beyond – 6 to 7 October 2014

These two days of reflection and discussion involved the presence and participation of Ms Corinne Cahen, Minister for Family, Integration and the Greater Region, Prof. Dr. Rolf Tarrach, President of the University of Luxembourg and A.-Prof. Dr. Christel Baltes-Löhr, Coordinator of the EMN National Contact Point Luxembourg. We were pleased to have contributions from a great … Continued

Asylum and Migration Glossary 3.0 (2014)

The EMN Asylum and Migration Glossary 3.0 is an updated version of the EMN Glossary that was first published in January 2010 and later updated in January 2012. This third version contains almost 100 new entries and over 120 major amendments to existing ones to reflect new terminology and expressions, as well as evolutions in … Continued

Applicable Fees for Issuance of Residence Permits to Third Country Nationals

Residence permits are authorisations by the authorities of a Member State allowing third-country nationals to reside legally in its territory. This EMN Inform provides an overview of the applicable fees for issuance of residence permits to third-country nationals (TCNs) as of September 2014. It is based on information collected from 24 EU Member States and … Continued











