EMN Inform – Practical Approaches and Good Practices in Return and Reintegration to Afghanistan and Pakistan

This EMN Inform provides information concerning Member States’ practices on return and reintegration to Afghanistan and Pakistan. Afghanistan and Pakistan are amongst the top 5 countries of origin of third-country nationals (TCNs) subject to a return decision2. In 2013, around 14,700 Afghans and 26,000 Pakistan nationals were issued with a return decision, representing respectively 3.7% … Continued

Addressing Facilitation of Irregular Migration by Boats departing from North Africa

This EMN Inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Ad-Hoc Query (AHQ) on Measures implemented / planned by EU Mediterranean Member States to prevent irregular migration by means of boats departing from North Africa. The AHQ gathered existing evidence on the facilitation of irregular migration by sea to the European Union perpetrated by facilitators … Continued

The Use of Detention and Alternatives to Detention in the Context of Immigration Policies

1. Introduction 2. Overview of EU law in the broader international legal framework on immigration detention 3. Categories of third-country nationals that can be detained and legal grounds for detention 4. Assessment procedures and criteria for placing third-country nationals in detention and for providing alternatives to detention 5. Types of detention facilities and conditions of … Continued

EMN Inform – Identification of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in International Protection and Forced Return Procedures

This EMN Inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Focussed Study on Identification of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in International Protection and Forced Return Procedures. The Study represents a synthesis of findings presented in 241 National Reports following a common template and developed in collaboration with the European Commission, EMN National Contact … Continued

Identification of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in International Protection and Forced Return Procedures

This Synthesis Report presents the main findings of the Third 2013 EMN Focussed Study on “Identification of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in International Protection and Forced Return Procedures”. The aim of the Study was to examine whether, and how, potential victims of trafficking in human beings are detected and identified in these procedures … Continued











