2020 IMISCOE annual conference online – 1 and 2 July, 2020

IMISCOE, in cooperation with the Open University and the UL, hosted its first online conference. This conference took place on July 1 and 2, 2020 and gave the opportunity to meet virtually to learn about the latest migration research.. In response to the contemporary pandemic and its effects, the plenary topic was: “Mobilities and Immobilities in … Continued

EMN Webinar – Managing migration and asylum in a changing world: 2019 trends and policy responses to COVID-19 to date – 17 June 2020

Presentations available   European Migration Network Webinar 17 June 2020   “Managing migration and asylum in a changing world: 2019 trends and policy responses to COVID-19 to date”   The event was organised to launch the 2019 edition of the EMN Annual Report on Migration and Asylum. The event also aimed to provide the latest information … Continued

Save the date: “Obstacles to returning irregular migrants to their country of origin: challenges and possible solutions” – 29 October 2019

SAVE THE DATE “Obstacles to returning irregular migrants to their country of origin: challenges and possible solutions”29 October 2019, Esch/Belval Luxembourg The Directorate General Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME) and EMN Luxembourg have the pleasure to share with you this save the date information for the upcoming event: “Obstacles to returning irregular migrants to … Continued

Outcomes of the Annual Conference: “Attracting third-country national start-up founders and innovative entrepreneurs” – 1 October 2019

On 1 October 2019, EMN Luxembourg hosted its Annual Conference “Attracting third-country national start-up founders and innovative entrepreneurs”. With welcome speeches by Corinne Cahen (Minister for Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region) and Prof. Jens Kreisel (Vice-Rector for Research of the University of Luxembourg) and the keynote speech by the President of the European Investment Bank, Dr. Werner Hoyer, … Continued

SAVE THE DATE – EMN Luxembourg conference – Attracting third-country national start-up founders and innovative entrepreneurs (1st October 2019)

Save the Date   EMN Luxembourg Annual Conference 1st October 2019   “Attracting third-country national start-up founders and innovative entrepreneurs.”    University of Luxembourg, Campus Belval, Auditorium MSA-3.330 2 Avenue de l’Université L-4365, Esch/Belval   Further information regarding the invitation, registration and agenda will follow in due course.   Please find attached EMN Luxembourg report … Continued

The role of EU cities in managing migration – opportunities and challenges – Luxembourg – 24 May 2019

On May 24, 2019 the EMN Luxembourg together with the Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME), in partnership with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) and the Luxembourg Directorate of Immigration organised an event “The role of EU cities in managing migration – opportunities and challenges” … Continued

Invitation: The role of EU cities in managing migration – opportunities and challenges – 24 May 2019

The Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME), in partnership with the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), the International Organisation for Migrations (IOM), the Luxembourg Directorate of Immigration and the LU EMN NCP, have the pleasure to invite you for the upcoming event “The role of EU cities in managing migration – opportunities … Continued

3ème Forum Grande Région: Migrations et frontières – entre régulation et intégration – 14 mars 2019

3ème Forum Grande Région du projet UniGR-Center for Border Studies « MIGRATIONS ET FRONTIÈRES : ENTRE RÉGULATION ET INTÉGRATION » 14 mars 2019, 16h00 │ Maison de la Grande Région Depuis le XIXe siècle, dans la Grande Région marquée par les transformations frontalières, les migrations ont toujours joué un rôle essentiel. Les accords de Schengen ont … Continued

Conférence EMN sur la nationalité luxembourgeoise – 25 juin 2018

Le point de contact luxembourgeois du European Migration Network (LU EMN NCP) a le plaisir de vous inviter à sa conférence sur la nationalité luxembourgeoise (12h30 à 16h00) qui se tiendra le lundi 25 juin 2018 au Campus Belval de l’Université du Luxembourg (Black Box, Maison des Sciences Humaines). La conférence se composera de trois … Continued











