EMN Inform: Access to services for beneficiaries of temporary protection

According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), as of 15 November 2022, more than 7.8 million people have left Ukraine in search of safety, arriving primarily in neighbouring European Union (EU) and third countries. The EMN inform analyses how Member States have organized access to social benefits, education, employment, and healthcare in … Continued

EMN Inform: Arrangements for accommodation and housing for beneficiaries of temporary protection

The EMN inform provides information on arrangements for accommodation and housing for beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine in the EU Member States. Most Member States use a combination of different forms of accommodation to host people fleeing Ukraine namely reception centres, hotels/hostels, used mostly for emergency situations, and private homes. Private households have also … Continued

EMN Inform: Bilateral Readmission Agreements

What bilateral readmission agreements exist between EU Member States and third countries to facilitate the return of migrants staying irregularly on the EU territory? This EMN informs updates, checks and expands the existing information on legally binding bilateral readmission agreements by EU Member States and Norway. It highlights how these agreements have led to higher … Continued

EMN Inform: Secondary movements of beneficiaries of international protection

How do Member States regulate the mobility and residence of persons already granted international protection status in another Member State? What are the appliable rules for transfer of responsibility of a beneficiary of international protection? The aim of this inform is to examine how Member States have regulated the transfer of responsibility for a beneficiary … Continued

EMN Inform: Incentives and motives for voluntary departure

The EU Commission’s Pact on Migration and Asylum of 2020[1] established the aim to develop effective and humane procedures for the return of individuals not entitled to stay in the EU, which led to the creation of an EU Strategy for Voluntary Return and Reintegration.[2] The strategy seeks to support Member States in their efforts … Continued

EMN Inform: Attracting and retaining international researchers

How do Member States attract and retain international researchers? The latest inform from the European Migration Network (EMN) provides an overview of the means adopted by Member States to enhance attractiveness for international researchers, as well as main challenges and best practices to admit and retain them.  Third-country researchers from non-EU countries can provide important … Continued

EMN inform: Preventing, detecting and tackling situations where authorisations to reside in the EU for the purpose of study are misused

What are the procedures established by Member States to prevent and detect the misuse of authorisations for third-country nationals to reside for the purpose of study? This inform from the European Migration Network (EMN) provides a comparative overview of Member States’ approaches, experiences and best practices in addressing such cases.  EU legislation[1] regulates the conditions … Continued

EMN-OECD inform “Skills Mobility Partnerships: Exploring Innovative Approaches to Labour Migration”

How can Member States face the growing mobility of workers and skills shortages in the EU? This joint EMN-OECD inform highlights experiences by EU Member States, non-EU countries and international organisations with regards to the introduction of Skills Mobility Partnerships (SMPs), a new concept that promotes a sustainable approach to skilled migration and mobility, with … Continued











