EMN Study: Data Management in the Asylum Procedure

What kind of data is collected by EU Member States and Norway and how is the data managed in the different phases of the asylum procedure? This new EMN Study provides comparable information and examples from 25 countries on different aspects of data management, including data cross-checking against national and international databases, data quality accuracy, … Continued

Questionnaire on the protection of children in migration in Luxembourg

Following the conference we organised together with LFR (Collectif Réfugiés Luxembourg) on the issue of unaccompanied minors in Luxembourg, we have the pleasure to publish this questionnaire on the implementation of the 2017 Commission Communication on the protection of children in migration in Luxembourg. The information provided in this questionnaire reflects the situation in Luxembourg in … Continued

EMN Luxembourg Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2020

The Annual Report on Migration and Asylum provides an overview of the main developments and debates in Luxembourg in 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic strongly impacted migratory movements to and from Luxembourg. In 2020, there was a significant decrease in the number of residence permits, applications for temporary authorisation of stay and visas (short stay visas and D-visas), a reduction of … Continued

EMN Synthesis Report: Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2020

The European Migration Network (EMN) Annual Report on Migration and Asylum 2020 is now public! Based on the contributions of the EMN National Contact Points, the report provides a comprehensive overview of national developments in the area of migration and asylum during 2020 in the EU Member States and Norway. Besides COVID-19 related impacts, such … Continued

Separated and missing migrants: Member States approaches to prevent family separation and search mechanisms for missing migrants

This EMN Inform provides a comparative overview of the policy measures and practical approaches taken by Member States to prevent and manage the risks of third-country nationals going missing and their separation from family members. The aim of this EMN Inform is to report on how Member States and Norway prevent third-country nationals in the … Continued

EMN Ad-Hoc Queries News Flash (May 2021)

The Ad-Hoc Queries News Flash is prepared on a monthly basis with hyperlinks to the ad-hoc queries published on the public website during the previous month. * EMN Luxembourg is chairing the Ad-Hoc Query Working Group and is responsible for supervising the launch of ad-hoc queries, to verify if they comply with the rules established by … Continued

EMN Bulletin (March 2021)

The EMN Bulletin provides policymakers and other practitioners with updates on recent migration and international protection policy developments at EU and national level. The 34th edition provides information from January to March 2021, including the (latest) relevant published statistics.











