Practical Measures to Reduce Irregular Migration
1. Introduction 2. EU Policy on Reducing Irregular Migration 3. National Policies and Legal Frameworks for Reducing Irregular Migration 4. Pre-entry Measures 5. Entry Measures
The EMN produces several studies on an annual basis which address specific themes of relevance to policy developments. EMN Studies are based on National Reports developed by the EMN national contact points which are produced using common specifications. EMN Studies are drafted by the EMN Service Provider and highlights the main findings within an EU perspective.
Each EMN Study is accompanied by an EMN Inform, different from the EMN Studies these publications are specifically aimed to provide key findings and short messages.
1. Introduction 2. EU Policy on Reducing Irregular Migration 3. National Policies and Legal Frameworks for Reducing Irregular Migration 4. Pre-entry Measures 5. Entry Measures
The EMN Study 2011 on Visa Policy as Migration Channel analyses the possible nexus between visa policy and migration management. The study examines the effects
The main objective of the Geneva Convention and of the Directive 2004/83/CE is to grant asylum and subsidiary protection (international protection) to persons genuinely in
This EMN Focussed Study responds to a growing concern, notably of policymakers as well as in the media, that the right to family reunification may
The overall purpose of this study was to identify those sectors experiencing shortages in the Member States, to outline the national strategies for addressing labour
1. Introduction 2. EU Policy on Reducing Irregular Migration 3. National Policies and Legal Frameworks for Reducing Irregular Migration 4. Pre-entry Measures 5. Entry Measures
The EMN Study 2011 on Visa Policy as Migration Channel analyses the possible nexus between visa policy and migration management. The study examines the effects
The main objective of the Geneva Convention and of the Directive 2004/83/CE is to grant asylum and subsidiary protection (international protection) to persons genuinely in
This EMN Focussed Study responds to a growing concern, notably of policymakers as well as in the media, that the right to family reunification may
The overall purpose of this study was to identify those sectors experiencing shortages in the Member States, to outline the national strategies for addressing labour