Synthesis Report: Children in Migration. Report on the state of implementation in 2019 of the 2017 Communication on the protection of children in migration

The 2017 Communication of the European Commission sets out actions to reinforce the protection of all migrant children at EU and national levels. The EMN report provides comparable information and examples from 26 countries across the key areas set out in the 2017 Communication, including identification, protection, reception, status determination procedures, guardianship and the integration of minors. The report reflects the situation in the Member States and Norway in 2019.

As the 2017 Communication points out, migrant children crossing borders must always be identified and registered as children and they should receive support from specially trained staff. The Communication also proposes key actions for safe and appropriate reception conditions and swift appointment of guardians for all unaccompanied minors. The key findings of the EMN report indicate that most of the countries under review foresee the presence of an official with adequate training during the identification and registration procedure of minors, and provide special training to border guards/police authorities. In terms or reception, families with children applying for asylum are in general accommodated in reception facilities for asylum seekers while unaccompanied minors are usually accommodated in special reception centres. Most Member States provide for a guardian or representative to unaccompanied minors recorded within the asylum system; in half of them, this support is also available for unaccompanied minors recorded within other migration procedures.

The report was launched with a webinar “Access to housing and education for children in migration:  challenges and good practices” on 10 March 2021. Recording of the webinar is available in this link 












