EMN Luxembourg National Conference “Detecting and protecting vulnerable migrants” 30 September 2021
‘Le devenir de l’enfant non accompagné au Luxembourg’, visioconférence du LFR et EMN Luxembourg le 18 juin 2021
Mots de bienvenue du ministre Jean Asselborn, EMN Luxembourg Conférence Nationale 2021, 30 septembre 2021
Mots de bienvenue du ministre Jean Asselborn, visioconférence du LFR et EMN Luxembourg, 18 juin 2021
The EMN Luxembourg would like to draw your attention to recent videos produced by other EMN Contact Points:
What is the European Migration Network, and how does it work and function? Find the answers in this video produced by EMN Belgium!
The EMN Glossary explained in short.
EMN Finland produced a very interesting video explaining how citizenship can be acquired across EU Member States. Have a look!