Policy Report on Migration and Asylum 2014

Le rapport politique sur les migrations et l’asile donne un aperçu des principaux débats politiques et développements dans ce domaine au Luxembourg au cours de l’année 2014.

Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors in the EU Member States and Norway

Introduction Motivations and circumstances of unaccompanied minors for entering the EU Entry and assessment procedures, including border controls for asylum-seeking and non -asylum seeking unaccompanied minors Reception arrangments, including integration measures for unaccompanied minors Unaccompanied minors who go missing or abscond from reception and care Arrangements in the (Member) States for unaccompanied minors turning 18 … Continued

Admitting Third-Country Nationals for Business Purposes

The aim of this EMN Study was to provide an analysis and further understanding of the policies and specific conditions in place in EU Member States that regulate the admission for business purposes of: –  Non-EU investors who are not yet present/resident in any Member State (admitted on a long-stay visa or residence permit for … Continued

EMN Annual Report on Immigration and Asylum 2014

This Synthesis Report was prepared on the basis of the 2014 Annual Policy Reports from 28 EMN NCPs (Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom and Norway) according to a … Continued

Admitting Third-Country Nationals for Business Purposes

Luxembourg is a unique place to live and do business in Europe. From the origins of the industrial development in Luxembourg, the availability of a cross-border workforce and the attraction of foreign capital and know-how have been the base of the economic success and the high standard of living in Luxembourg. The issue of attracting … Continued

Good Practices in the Return and Reintegration of Irregular Migrants: Member States’ Entry Ban Policy and Use of Readmission Agreements between Member States and Third Countries

This study explores Luxembourg’s entry bans policy and use of readmission agreements as well as their links with reintegration assistance. The first part of this study will deal with entry bans. In Luxembourg a return decision can be accompanied by an entry ban for a maximum period of 5 years, even though in practice they … Continued

Migrant Access to Social Security

The social security system in Luxembourg is in principle a contributory-based system different to other countries, which have a residence-based system. The social protection system is composed of three major branches:  a)      Social security: This branch comprehends healthcare, sick cash benefits, maternity and paternity leave benefits, accidents at work and occupational diseases, long-term care, invalidity benefits, … Continued

The Organisation of Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers

Luxembourg has a case-by-case approach in terms of allocation of asylum applicants to reception facilities. Indeed, when deciding on the attribution of social aid, which includes accommodation, the Luxembourgish Reception and Integration Office (OLAI), takes into consideration two main criteria: the individual situation of the applicant (household composition, age of family members, potential specific needs, … Continued











