Establishing Identity for International Protection

The main objective of the Geneva Convention and of the Directive 2004/83/CE is to grant asylum and subsidiary protection (international protection) to persons genuinely in need of protection and to set minimum standards on the benefits to be granted to these persons. In order to decide whether an applicant qualifies for international protection status, national … Continued

EMN Inform – Misuse of Family Reunification

This EMN Inform presents the main outcomes of the above-titled EMN Focussed Study and responds to a growing concern, notably of policymakers as well as in the media, that the right to family reunification may be misused as a route into settlement in the EU. It also serves to inform the Green Paper on the … Continued

5th LU EMN NCP Annual Conference: Migration Policies and Family Lives in Transit – 15 and 16 May 2012

These two days of reflection and discussion involved the presence and participation of Nicolas Schmit, Minister of Labour, Employment and Immigration, Prof. Dr. Rolf Tarrach, Rector of the Universiy of Luxembourg and Ass.-Prof. Dr. Christel Baltes-Löhr, coordinator of the European Migration Network at the national level as well as high-level academic researchers who presented their … Continued

Policy Report on Migration and Asylum 2011

Plusieurs modifications législatives ont fait l’objet de débats publics et politiques en 2011. Avant tout, il faut signaler l’adoption de la loi du 1er juillet sur la libre circulation (modifiant la loi du 5 mai 2006, et la loi du 26 aout 2008) qui a transposé en droit national la directive 2008/115/CE, dite directive «retour». … Continued

Asylum and Migration Glossary 2.0 (2012)

This is an updated version of the first EMN Glossary published in January 2010. As well as including several new terms and translations, plus an index, further revisions to some of the definitions have been made. This updated version is also complemented by additional translated versions of the EMN Glossary into French, German, Italian, Portuguese … Continued

Temporary and Circular Migration

The overall purpose of this study was to identify those sectors experiencing shortages in the Member States, to outline the national strategies for addressing labour market needs with third-country national migrant workers and to gain an understanding of the perceived effectiveness of these strategies, including examining the impact of the recent economic downturn and recovery … Continued

4th LU EMN NCP Annual Conference: Come-Stay-Go / Schengen-Luxembourg-Europe – 27 September 2011

WELCOME ADDRESSES: ROLF TARRACH DIANE SCHMITT CHRISTEL BALTES-LÖHR 27 SEPTEMBER 2011 MARIE-JOSEE JACOBS, ‘Integration challenges in the context of free movement of persons’ CHARLES ELSEN, ‘The history and content of the Schengen Agreements’ FRANK WIES, ‘The transposition and application of EU directives on international protection in Luxembourg’ VICTOR WEITZEL, ‘What would Europe be like without … Continued

Policy Report on Migration and Asylum 2010

L’année 2010 a été fortement marquée par le contexte de la crise économique et financière, déclenchée au cours du premier trimestre 2008, ainsi que par les propositions de réformes du Gouvernement pour y faire face. Etant donné ce contexte de crise, il faut souligner qu’en termes de préoccupation politique générale, le domaine de la migration, … Continued

Policy Report on Migration and Asylum 2009

L’année 2009 est marquée par les élections législatives du 7 juin 2009 et la formation d’un nouveau gouvernement qui définit les grandes orientations en matière de politique d’immigration, d’asile et d’intégration. La loi du 29 août 2008 sur la libre circulation des personnes et l’immigration, entrée en vigueur le 1er octobre 2008 et la loi … Continued











