Conférence annuelle ‘Moving policy forward, keeping research relevant – strengthening the research-policy dialogue in the fields of migration and integration’ – 24 octobre 2017

Le point de contact luxembourgeois du European Migration Network (LU EMN NCP) vous invite cordialement de participer à sa conférence annuelle qui aura lieu le 24 octobre 2017. La conférence intitulée ‘Moving policy forward, keeping research relevant – strengthening the research-policy dialogue in the fields of migration and integration’ se tiendra de 09.00 à 16.00 … Continued

Conference – “Afghanistan/EU – Ethno-religious conflicts and asylum policy” – 31 January 2017

The recently established agreement between Afghanistan and the EU, the so-called „Joint way forward on migration issues” (Kabul, 2 October 2016) has brought about a public debate in Luxembourg and other EU member states. Apart from the question of whether Afghanistan can be considered a “safe third country”, the agreement raises general issues on asylum … Continued

Addressing Statelessness in the European Union, One year on from the adoption of European Council Conclusions – 18 January 2017

On 18th January 2017 at the Residence Palace in Brussels took place the EMN, UNHCR and ENS conference ‘Addressing Statelessness in the European Union: One year on from the adoption of European Council Conclusions’. The conference was aimed at discussing the effort to address statelessness in the EU and at identifying further actions needed. The … Continued

Vortrag- Migration in den Medien – 26 October 2016

Vortrag von Elena Kreutzer (Institut für Sozialforschung und Sozialwirtschaft e. V.) Diskutant: Christophe Langenbrink (Luxemburger Wort) 26. Oktober 2016, 16.30 Uhr, Universität Luxemburg, Campus Belval, Maison des Sciences Humaines, salle « Black Box » (RDC) In ihrem Vortrag beleuchtet Elena Kreutzer den medialen Diskurs über Migration im Saarland, in Lothringen und in Luxemburg. Ansatzpunkte des Vergleichs zwischen … Continued

“What is Brexit? Two Perspectives on Britain’s EU Referendum” – 28 September 2016

We proudly announce the next session of “Let’s talk about History!” series of conferences, organized by the Institute for History of the University of Luxembourg. Two experts from England are going to approach the highly topical and explosive issue of “Brexit” from different points of view: Dr. Mathias Häußler, Historian (University of Cambridge): “The bête … Continued

Série de Conférences de l’Université de la Grande Région « Migration & question des réfugiés » – 19 avril 2016

Date de l’événement:    Mardi, 19 avril 2016, 16:30 – 18:30 Lieu:   Maison des Sciences Humaines, Black Box       Portes des Sciences, 11, L-4366 Esch-sur -Alzette Série de Conférences de l’Université de la Grande Région « Migration & question des réfugiés »: Analyses interdisciplinaires et mise en perspective transfrontalière d’un défi européen La question … Continued

SAVE THE DATE – Conference on Statelessness – 15 April 2016

The Luxembourg Contact Point of the European Migration Network (LU EMN NCP) would like to draw your attention to its upcoming Conference on Statelessness, which will be held at the University of Luxembourg on Campus Kirchberg on 15 April 2016. The 1954 Convention on the status of stateless persons defines a stateless person as ‘a … Continued











