EMN-OECD inform “Skills Mobility Partnerships: Exploring Innovative Approaches to Labour Migration”

How can Member States face the growing mobility of workers and skills shortages in the EU? This joint EMN-OECD inform highlights experiences by EU Member States, non-EU countries and international organisations with regards to the introduction of Skills Mobility Partnerships (SMPs), a new concept that promotes a sustainable approach to skilled migration and mobility, with … Continued

EMN Inform: Measuring progress to address statelessness in the EU and Georgia

The EMN has collected data on statelessness from across EU Member States and Georgia to assess progress, draw key findings on the state of play, and provide an overview of how statelessness is addressed. The Inform was produced by the EMN Platform of Statelessness under the coordination of the EMN Luxembourg. French translation of the … Continued

EMN Inform: Exploring legal pathways to fulfil labour needs

The European Migration Network (EMN) has published an overview of Member States’ experiences with new legal pathways in the areas of Talent Partnerships and complementary work-related pathways for those in need of international protection. The development of legal pathways to Europe is one of the key pillars of the European Commission’s new Pact on Migration and … Continued

Separated and missing migrants: Member States approaches to prevent family separation and search mechanisms for missing migrants

This EMN Inform provides a comparative overview of the policy measures and practical approaches taken by Member States to prevent and manage the risks of third-country nationals going missing and their separation from family members. The aim of this EMN Inform is to report on how Member States and Norway prevent third-country nationals in the … Continued

Inform #4 The impact of COVID-19 on remittances in EU and OECD countries

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the substantial measures taken by EU and OECD countries to prevent the spread of the virus had consequences on remittances and the companies providing remittances services. Remittances play a critical role in receiving countries and are typically used to increase and buffer household consumption, spend on health and … Continued

Inform #3 Maintaining labour migration in essential sectors in times of pandemic

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the substantial measures taken by EU and OECD countries to stem the spread of the virus are having direct and indirect impacts on the migration field. While the long-term consequences are difficult to predict, the immediate impacts are already visible. For example, the sudden plunge in economic activities … Continued











