How do EU member states treat cases of missing unaccompanied minors?

The phenomenon of migrant children going missing has recently received increased attention from the media in several Member States and the European Parliament. The debate focusses on unaccompanied minors who go missing. There is concern that the disappearance of unaccompanied minors is not addressed yet in an effective manner, as reflected in several recent publications … Continued

EMN Inform Package on Return Counselling

Counselling is a crucial service to ensure that migrants obtain correct information and support to return and reintegrate in their country of origin, as well as about their legal possibilities to remain in Europe. The European Migration Network inform package offers an overview of the policies and practices regarding the counselling on return and reintegration … Continued

Statelessness in the European Union

This EMN Inform provides the latest information on the state of play of EU Member States and Norway regarding the 1954 and 1961 Conventions on Statelessness, the processes in place to determine whether a person is ‘stateless’, and if this is the case, what this means for the individual in terms of authorised stay, access … Continued

Policies and practices on return counselling for migrants in the EU Member States and Norway

This EMN Inform seeks to identify the different policies and approaches for return counselling used by Member States plus Norway as well as by national NGOs and international organisations delivering return counselling. The analysis is based on data collected by EMN National Contact Points through a dedicated EMN Ad-Hoc Query*. National authorities were asked to respond … Continued

Social Benefits and Rights for Beneficiaries of International Protection

This Inform presents an overview of five social benefits and arrangements for rights granted by Member States and Norway to beneficiaries of international protection: (1) education, (2) healthcare, (3) financial allowances, (4) housing and (5) family reunification. It describes the social benefits standards and arrangements for rights in Member States and Norway and whether or … Continued

Changing influx of asylum seekers 2014-2016

This EMN Inform summarises the findings of the 2018 EMN Synthesis Report “Changing Influx of Asylum Seekers 2014 – 2016” which provides an overview of the changes to national strategies, approaches and measures in response to the unprecedented migratory movements to EU Member States and Norway.

Attracting and retaining foreign startup founders

European leaders at all levels are facing a number of labour market challenges, from ageing population, the sustainability of welfare and pension systems to companies’ growing struggles to find skilled workforce. Migration is increasingly viewed as a possible way to tackle these problems, especially the arrival of skilled persons from third countries. European Migration Network’s … Continued

Safe Countries of Origin

In the wake of the high influx of mainly Syrian asylum seekers in 2015, several (Member) States were confronted with a considerable number of asylum applications from persons coming from countries that have been designated by certain Member States as ‘safe countries of origin’ on the basis that they consider these countries as generally safe … Continued











