Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors in the EU Member States and Norway

This EMN Inform summarises the findings from the 2015 EMN Synthesis Report Policies, practices and data on unaccompanied minors. The Study aimed to update the findings of the 2008-2009 EMN Study Policies on reception, return and integration arrangements for, and numbers of, unaccompanied minors and to provide up-to-date information and comparable data on the numbers … Continued

Admitting Third Country Nationals for Business Purposes

This EMN Inform summarises the main findings of the EMN Study Admitting third-country nationals for business purposes, published in May 2015. The Study was based on contributions from EMN National Contact Points in 24 Member States, collected via common specifications to ensure comparability.

Les bonnes pratiques en matière de retour et de réintégration des migrants en séjour irrégulier

La note de synthèse présente les principaux résultats de l’étude réalisée en 2014 par le Point de contact au Luxembourg du European Migration Network sur « Les bonnes pratiques en matière de retour et de réintégration des migrants en séjourirrégulier : la politique des interdictions d’entrée des Etats membres et l’utilisation des accords de réadmission … Continued

Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors in Luxembourg – 2014

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors (from here on referred to as ‘UAMs’) has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a … Continued

Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors in Luxembourg – 2014

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a tailored reception and supervision solution for all … Continued

Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors in Luxembourg

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors (from here on referred to as ‘UAMs’) has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a … Continued

Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors in Luxembourg 2014

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors (from here on referred to as ‘UAMs’) has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a … Continued

Policies, Practices and Data on unaccompanied minors in Luxembourg – 2014

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors (from here on referred to as ‘UAMs’) has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a … Continued











