EMN Luxembourg Study: Third-country national victims of trafficking in human beings: Detection, identification and protection in Luxembourg.

This study provides an overview of the current procedures and practices regarding the detection, identification and protection of victims of trafficking in human beings from third-countries in Luxembourg. Since 2016, Luxembourg saw a number of significant developments with regard to legislation, institutional and policy reforms, as well as debates and awareness campaigns related to the … Continued

EMN Study: Responses to long-term irregularly staying migrants

How do national, regional and local authorities respond to migrants in a situation of protracted irregular stay? To which rights and public services are they provided access? Which measures are implemented to bring protracted situations of irregular stay to an end? The new EMN study provides an overview of the policies and practices in 25 … Continued

EMN Study: Data Management in the Asylum Procedure

What kind of data is collected by EU Member States and Norway and how is the data managed in the different phases of the asylum procedure? This new EMN Study provides comparable information and examples from 25 countries on different aspects of data management, including data cross-checking against national and international databases, data quality accuracy, … Continued

Detention and alternatives to detention in international protection and return procedures in Luxembourg

The main objective of the study “Detention and alternatives to detention in international protection and return procedures in Luxembourg” is to provide objective and reliable information about the usage of detention and alternatives to detention in international protection and return procedures in Luxembourg. Luxembourgish legislation, namely the amended Law of 29 August 2008 on Free Movement … Continued

Synthesis Report: Children in Migration. Report on the state of implementation in 2019 of the 2017 Communication on the protection of children in migration

The 2017 Communication of the European Commission sets out actions to reinforce the protection of all migrant children at EU and national levels. The EMN report provides comparable information and examples from 26 countries across the key areas set out in the 2017 Communication, including identification, protection, reception, status determination procedures, guardianship and the integration … Continued

Accurate, timely, interoperable? Data management in the asylum procedure in Luxembourg

The main objective of this study of the European Migration Network is to provide objective and reliable information about the data management in the asylum procedure in Luxembourg. The Luxembourgish Asylum Law foresees a centralised and streamlined asylum system with one single national authority for registering, lodging and examining applications for international protection, namely the … Continued

Attracting and Protecting Seasonal Workers from Third Countries in Luxembourg

The primarily aim of the study is to cover the category of third-country nationals who enter and reside in Luxembourg for the purpose of seasonal work within the framework of the Seasonal Workers Directive (2014/36/EU). The study follows the hypothesis that although the Directive offers higher protection standards for seasonal workers, it may have not fully reached its … Continued











