Accurate, timely, interoperable? Data management in the asylum procedure in Luxembourg

The main objective of this study of the European Migration Network is to provide objective and reliable information about the data management in the asylum procedure in Luxembourg. The Luxembourgish Asylum Law foresees a centralised and streamlined asylum system with one single national authority for registering, lodging and examining applications for international protection, namely the … Continued

Attracting and Protecting Seasonal Workers from Third Countries in Luxembourg

The primarily aim of the study is to cover the category of third-country nationals who enter and reside in Luxembourg for the purpose of seasonal work within the framework of the Seasonal Workers Directive (2014/36/EU). The study follows the hypothesis that although the Directive offers higher protection standards for seasonal workers, it may have not fully reached its … Continued

Synthesis Report: Migratory Pathways for Start-ups and Innovative Entrepreneurs in the European Union

Over half of the EU Member States consider that attracting and retaining innovative entrepreneurs and start-ups from countries outside the EU will promote a vibrant entrepreneurial culture. What are the main pull factors and requirements for foreign start-up founders and employees? The study from the European Migration Network reveals good practices and challenges from 25 EU Member … Continued

Pathways to citizenship for third-country nationals in Luxembourg

The main objective of this study of the European Migration Network is to provide objective and reliable information about the pathways to citizenship for third-country nationals in Luxembourg, with a particular focus on the ordinary naturalisation procedure. The laws and regulations regarding the acquisition of nationality in Luxembourg underwent a complete overhaul in 2017, with … Continued

Beneficiaries of international protection travelling to and contacting authorities of their country of origin

This study offers a comparative overview of the experiences and existing practices in the EU Member States, Norway and Switzerland regarding the possible consequences on international protection status for individuals who travel to or contact the authorities in their country of origin. A beneficiary of international protection is a person who has been granted refugee … Continued

Synthesis Report: Attracting and retaining international students in the EU

This Synthesis Report presents the main findings of the EMN Study on Attracting and retaining international students in the European Union (EU). The study is very topical in light of the transposition of the Students and Researchers Directive ((EU)2016/801) which sets out a common framework for admission and residence of students from third countries in the EU. This study explores … Continued

Migratory pathways for start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs in the EU

The main objective of this study of the European Migration Network is to provide objective and reliable information about migratory pathways for start-ups and innovative entrepreneurs to Luxembourg. Fostering start-ups and innovative enterprises is a national policy priority for Luxembourg as providing support to entrepreneurship and start-ups has been on the Luxembourgish governments’ agenda since … Continued











