Policies, Practices and Data on unaccompanied minors in Luxembourg – 2014

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors (from here on referred to as ‘UAMs’) has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a … Continued

Good Practices in the Return and Reintegration of Irregular Migrants: Member States’ Entry Bans Policy and Use of Readmission Agreements between Member States and Third Countries

The Study’s main aims were to: Analyse similarities and differences between Member States concerning the legal and institutional framework on entry bans; Explore the practical application of entry bans by mapping and reviewing whether Member States make use of a graduated approach (including withdrawal/suspension of entry bans and in what circumstances); and investigating cooperation mechanisms … Continued

Migrant Access to Social Security and Health Care: Policies and Practices

The equal treatment provisions contained in the EU’s Migration Directives have influenced national legislation and practice, in particular as regards the social security rights of third-country nationals holding long-term residence permit and EU Blue Card holders. (The timing of the research conducted for this study did not permit analysis of the impact of the Directives … Continued

Policies, Practices and Data on Unaccompanied Minors

The phenomenon of unaccompanied minors (from here on referred to as ‘UAMs’) has so far been relatively small in Luxembourg and it primarily affects young people aged at least 16 years of age. This also explains the difficulty of establishing distinct profiles and may explain why there is no global legal framework which guarantees a … Continued

The Use of Detention and Alternatives to Detention in the Context of Immigration Policies

1. Introduction 2. Overview of EU law in the broader international legal framework on immigration detention 3. Categories of third-country nationals that can be detained and legal grounds for detention 4. Assessment procedures and criteria for placing third-country nationals in detention and for providing alternatives to detention 5. Types of detention facilities and conditions of … Continued

Identification of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in International Protection and Forced Return Procedures

This Synthesis Report presents the main findings of the Third 2013 EMN Focussed Study on “Identification of Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings in International Protection and Forced Return Procedures”. The aim of the Study was to examine whether, and how, potential victims of trafficking in human beings are detected and identified in these procedures … Continued

The Organisation of Reception Facilities for Asylum Seekers in different Member States

Under the Common European Asylum System (CEAS), persons, regardless of the Member State in which their application for international protection is made, should be offered an equivalent level of treatment as regards reception conditions. The Reception Conditions Directive1 has laid down minimum standards for the reception of applicants and the Recast Reception Conditions Directive2 (hereafter … Continued

Attracting Highly Qualified and Qualified Third-Country Nationals

The Report is divided into six sections. Following this introductory Section 1, Section 2 presents an overview of EU policy and acquis and provides statistical data on attracting (highly) qualified third-country nationals. Section 3 then examines the national policies implemented by Member States to attract (highly) qualified third-country nationals. Section 4 evaluates the effectiveness of … Continued

Intra-EU Mobility of Third-Country Nationals

  The purpose of this EMN Focused Study 2012 was to act as a scoping exercise to better understand the key issues and challenges in relation to the intra-EU mobility of third-country nationals in the different Member States. 1. Introduction 2. Some Insights into the Scale of Intra-EU Mobilty of Third-country Nationals 3. The EU-acquis … Continued

Immigration of International Students to the EU

The EMN Study on Immigration of International Students to the EU provides an overview of the immigration and mobility policies that are currently being implemented by the (Member) States to allow international students to enter into the EU for the purposes of study and where necessary, to move within the EU, also for the purpose … Continued











