Second capacity building workshop “Forecasting and new technologies in migration and asylum governance: state of play and new developments” 7 and 8 November 2023 – Luxembourg

This will be the second capacity building workshop organised by EMN Luxembourg to bring together representatives of international organisations, EU agencies, Member States, and academia to provide opportunities for exchanges and discussions on the current state of forecasting models in migration, present any ongoing projects or initiatives related to use of technologies in migration and … Continued

Technical meeting “Access to nationality for stateless persons” 22 June 2023

The technical meeting “Access to nationality for stateless persons”, jointly organized by the Council of Europe and the EMN Luxembourg within the framework of the EMN Platform on Statelessness will take place on 22 June 2023 in Luxembourg and online (Webex).  This meeting has several aims. Firstly, to provide networking opportunities to national experts working … Continued

EMN Luxembourg national networking event – EMN 15 years Anniversary event

On 15 May 2023 to celebrate long standing relationships with different national network partners and to mark the 15 year anniversary of the establishment of the EMN, EMN Luxembourg brought together people who have substantially supported work of the EMN Luxembourg over the years. Either with contributions to the studies, reports, ad-hoc queries or by … Continued

Je peux voter – YOUR vote counts at this year’s municipal elections in Luxembourg| Awareness raising event on 09.03.2023

The European Migration Network (EMN) Luxembourg is happy to support the information campaigne Je peux voter of the Integration Department of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region by organising awareness raising event Je peux voter  “You wouldn’t let your grandparents pick your playlist. Why would you let them pick your … Continued

Training of multipliers for the upcoming municipal elections on 11 June 2023

The European Migration Network (EMN) Luxembourg together with CEFIS and the Integration Department of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region is organising training for multipliers with an aim to increase interest and motivate young people to participate in the upcoming municipal elections.  The next municipal elections will take place on 11 … Continued

Feedback for the EMN Luxembourg Youth Day Event

Feedback for the EMN Luxembourg Youth Day-Event Thank you for participating in the EMN’s Youth Day. We hope you had as much fun attending as we had when organizing it. This was our first time organizing such an event. We would like to hear back from you so that we can improve our logistics and … Continued


The European Migration Network (EMN) Luxembourg is happy to announce its participation in the EMN Youth Day, bringing together young people from all over Europe. We are looking forward to a full day of interesting interventions and enriching discussions on migration issues, an inspiring Ted-style talk and to diving into an interactive learning tool on … Continued











