Le LU EMN NCP, Terre des Hommes Luxembourg et la Croix Rouge luxembourgeoise co-organisent le Jeudi 20 novembre 2014 à 18h30 au Ciné Utopia une soirée cinéma dans le cadre du festival “Cinéma du Sud” dont le thème pour cette édition d’automne est celui des Droits de l’Enfant.
Film à l’affiche: The art of becoming – http://theartofbecoming.be/
Réalisation : Hanne Phlypo,
Catherine Vuyesteke
Clind’oeil-Film – 2013
Durée : 60 min.
VO – sous-titres anglais
Documentaire poétique
The protagonists are three minors from Afghanistan, Syria and Guinea, who hope for a stable future in Europe. Fatah is working hard in Istanbul, hoping to earn enough for his journey to Greece and then Italy. Saleh has been living in Europe for three years but longs for his parents. Mamadou tries to continue his education and keep his job even though he has no papers. Throughout their history, the entire immigration process is laid bare: from the unrealistic expectations in Europe to the specific life in a care-center and the constant struggle to avoid eviction. The film is based
on the book «My past is elsewhere» by Catherine Vuylsteke, a touching story of how seven young boys and a girl arrived in Belgium by themselves.
Soirée organisée par Terre des Hommes Luxembourg, Point de contact national du Réseau
européen des migrations au Luxembourg, Croix Rouge luxembourgeoise
www.terredeshommes.lu | www.emnluxembourg.lu | www.croix-rouge.lu