EMN Inform: Statelessness in the European Union, Norway and Georgia

This 2023 EMN inform is the latest in the series of EMN Platform on Statelessness informs, with two others previously published in 2016 and 2020. It is updated with contributions from the participating EMN Member Countries and EMN Observer Countries (Norway and Georgia). Information related to the United Kingdom (UK) has been removed, as the UK is no longer an EMN Member Country, but UK information remains in the earlier informs.

This EMN inform updates the 2020 Inform Statelessness in the EU, which itself updated the 2016 version via an EMN ad hoc query1 jointly launched by EMN Ireland and EMN Luxembourg in March 2019 in preparation for their jointly organised technical conference in Dublin in May 2019.2 The ad hoc query and conference focused on the nexus between the granting of stateless status and residence permits.

The 2020 inform also draws on the results of earlier work, including ad hoc queries launched by EMN Luxembourg in 20153 and 20164, and the policy brief resulting from the EMN Luxembourg conference ‘Tackling statelessness: Exchange of Experiences and Good Practices’ organized in Luxembourg on 15 April 2016. The 2020 inform was updated with other sources of information,5 which helped to fill certain gaps in the analysis.

1 EMN, ‘The nexus between recognition of stateless status and the right of residence’, ad hoc query; replies received from 24 countries: AT, BE, BG, CY, CZ, DE, EE, EL, ES, FI, FR, HR, , IE, LT, LV, LU, MT, NL, PT, SK, SE and NO. Information for AT was updated with the assistance of UNHCR and is not for wider dissemination, thus is not reflected in the text.

2 EMN, ‘Exploring the interrelationship between recognition of statelessness, residence permits and associated rights in the EU Member States and Norway’, Technical conference, Dublin, 7 May 2019.

3 Replies received from 23 countries: AT, BE, CZ, EE, ES, FI, FR, DE, HR, HU, IE, LT, LU, MT, NL, PL, SE, SI, SK and NO, UK. UK information has been deleted as the UK is no longer part of the EMN.

4 The first ad hoc query was an update to the ad hoc query launched in 2015. It received replies from 25 countries: AT, BE, BG, HR, CY, CZ, EE, FI, FR, DE, HU, IE, IT, LV, LT, LU, NL, PL, PT, SE, SI, SK and NO, UK. The second ad hoc query, ‘On statelessness: minors born in exile and unaccompanied minors’ received replies from 21 countries: AT, BE, HR, CZ, EE, FI, FR, DE, HU, IT, LV, LT, LU, NL, PL, PT, SE, SI, SK and NO, UK.

5 For example, European Parliament, ‘Practices and Approaches in EU Member States to Prevent and End Statelessness’, LIBE Committee, 2015.

French translation of the Inform was kindly provided by EMN France.











