This joint European Migration Network (EMN) – OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development) inform ‘Designing migration strategies’, focusing on the development and implementation of migration strategies by governments in EMN Member and Observer Countries, and non-EU OECD countries, highlighting common challenges and good practices. Strategies are divided into six categories: asylum, regular migration, integration, irregular migration, external dimension, and contingency planning. Overarching strategies cover at least three categories, whereas sectoral strategies focus on no more than two.
The primary focus of strategies (both for overarching or sectoral) in EMN Member Countries is irregular migration, followed by efforts in integration, regular migration, asylum, contingency planning, and the external dimension of migration. EMN Observer Countries mostly addressed regular migration, integration, and asylum alongside irregular migration.
Various public bodies are tasked with developing overarching strategies in the EMN Member Countries, with the Ministry of the Interior being most often responsible for migration strategies. Stakeholders like local government, the private sector etc. are also involved in setting overarching strategy objectives.
The objectives and scope of migration strategies vary widely. Differences often depend on whether the strategy is broad (overarching strategies) or focused on one sector, on whether it is a political statement or an operational plan, and its duration.
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