The European Migration Network (EMN) Luxembourg is happy to support the information campaigne Je peux voter of the Integration Department of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region by organising awareness raising event Je peux voter @uni.lu.
“You wouldn’t let your grandparents pick your playlist. Why would you let them pick your representative who’s going to determine your future?” (Barack Obama)
Voting in municipal elections is open to all residents of Luxembourg. Whether you are a citizen of the EU or of a third country, all you have to do is get yourself registered on the electoral list for the communal elections by April 17, 2023.
On June 11 2023, during the municipal elections, YOU can decide on how green your commune should become, how family-friendly it is going to be (e.g. should new playgrounds or a new youth centre be built?), whether additional sports activities will be organised. Or maybe you would like to have more bicycle paths or more affordable housing?
The upcoming communal elections are the time and place to make your voice heard!
To find out more information on how to participate in the elections and why it is important to participate, feel free to attend the awareness raising event – Je peux voter @uni.lu and learn useful information from around 15 different stakeholders.
What to expect from the event?
- When ? 09 March 2023, 10:00 – 14:00
- Where ? University of Luxembourg, Esch-Belval, Maison des Arts et des Etudiants
- Welcome words by the Minister for Family Affairs and Integration, Corinne CAHEN
- 30-minute information sessions every hour (10.30, 11.30, 12.30, 13.30) on the municipal elections
- 10 different stands from stakeholders with activities and information dedicated to the importance of social and political participation
- Goodies, activities, networking opportunities, useful information and lots of fun
- Bring your good mood, will to discover and participate!
List of stakeholders (in alphabetical order) present at the event:
POWERRIDERS, equipment consisting of 10 stands for bicycles, equipped with generators that generate electricity. This energy is used to operate a computer which is used, for example, to make an animation informing potential foreign voters about the electoral system or to register them directly on the electoral lists. A real eye catcher!
You can bring your own bike or use the one provided by ASTI!
The stand will focus on the municipal elections. It will provide information on the conditions for the registration of foreigners on the electoral lists, a description of the political parties and the way of voting in the municipalities with majority and proportional voting, as well as voting by splitting. The CEFIS will provide a questionnaire to be completed on site to test your knowledge of Luxembourg politics.
A facilitator from CEFIS will provide 30min-information sessions every hour (at 10.30, 11.30, 12.30 and 13.30) on the municipal elections and will also answer any related questions.
Destination Europe is an engaging discussion platform that introduces users to migration and integration decision-making. The users take up roles of various actors involved at the EU, national and city level and immerse themselves in different future scenarios about migration. These stories are based on evidence and illustrate potential outcomes of migration policy decisions for different groups of migrants such as asylum seekers, labour and irregular migrants and citizens of EU countries where migrants settle.
General information about the European Union as well as information on the political activities in the European Union.
Quizz about the European Union.
Do you want to bring Europe to Luxembourg and actively promote democracy? Do you want to help shape the future of Europe with your ideas? And do you want to meet other young people who are enthusiastic about Europe? Then come to the stand of the European Parliament Liaison Office Luxembourg and learn more about the together.eu campaign.
This pan-European platform gives you access to exclusive events, helps you develop your skills and invites you to organise your own EU related events as a volunteer. Support us to raise awareness for European citizenship and the upcoming European elections.
Inclusion Team of the University of Luxembourg
Description of the stand/activity will be added.
General information about the language courses as well as official certifications provided by the INL.
How to register on the electoral lists and participate in the municipal elections of June 11?
The “I can vote” awareness campaign of the Ministry of Family, Integration and the Greater Region aims to inform all non-Luxembourgers about their right to vote and to mobilize them to participate in municipal elections.
Come see us at our stand, participate in our activities and ask all your questions about political participation and your registration.
There will be a possibility to take pictures in the special “I can vote” campaign photo booth – VW minivan!
Description of the stand/activity will be added
Stand on the subject of democratic principles, elections and the responsibilities of a municipality.
Three games allow you to discover the municipal elections in a fun way:
• Duck hunting: each duck addresses a subject (mobility, education, leisure, etc.) allowing them to discover their own perspective and reflect on possible challenges in their municipality
• Wheel of fortune: with questions on participation in the municipality to assess whether or not you want to get involved in political life and by what means
• Turn everything upside down: it is a question of laying the foundations of democracy and keeping the whole thing in balance to realize its priorities in relation to democracy
The games are supervised by facilitators to encourage both discussion with the participants and personal reflection.