Multistakeholder meeting “Statelessness and Children” 6 June 2024

This meeting, jointly organized by the Council of Europe and the EMN Luxembourg within the framework of the EMN Platform on Statelessness had several aims.

Firstly, this event will serve as an opportunity to share good practices and challenges on following topics:

  • Child-friendly procedures around statelessness and nationality;
  • Access to nationality for children.

Secondly, the event aims to bring together and provide networking opportunities to wide variety of stakeholders working with issues of nationality and statelessness with specific focus on children.

Participants are invited to exchange views as actively as possible to maximize the sharing of experience and difficulties encountered with regard to the three topics listed above.

The meeting was organised as a hybrid event and provided for a possibility to attend the event online via Webex. 

WHEN? 6 June 2024

WHERE? Luxembourg

Work language of the event: English





9.00 – 9.30


Registration for in person participants

9.30 – 9.45

Welcome words

·      Prof. Dr. Birte Nienaber, coordinator of the EMN Luxembourg

·      David Best, Secretary General’s
Special Representative on migration and refugees, Council of Europe 

9.45 – 11.00

Institutional panel

·      Delphine Drapeau, Legal Officer, Asylum Unit,
DG Home, European Commission (online)

·      Regina Jensdottir, Head of the Children’s Rights Division and CoE Coordinator for the Rights of the Child (online)

·      Adolfo Sommarribas, EMN Luxembourg, EMN
Platform on Statelessness

  •  Nilde Robotti, Vulnerability Officer, European Union Asylum Agency (online)

·      Sam Mosallai, Statelessness Officer, UNHCR Regional Bureau for Europe

11.00 – 11.20


11.20 – 11.35

Sirazul Islam, Community Engagement Coordinator, European Network on Statelessness and representative of the British Rohingya Community

11.35 – 11.50


11.50 – 12.20

Coffee break and networking opportunity

12.20 – 13.20

Access to nationality for children

·      Armen Ghazaryan, Head of the Migration and Citizenship Service, Armenia

·  Tamta Petviashvili, Deputy Director of Department of Civil Registry, Public Service Development Agency, Ministry of Justice of Georgia (online)

13.20 – 13.35


13.35 – 15.00

Lunch break

15.00 – 16.00  

Access to nationality for children

·      Frank Wies, Wies&Hertzog, Luxembourg

·   Jesus Fernandez de Sevilla Gomez, Coordinator Programs for Emancipation and Transit to Adult Life in the Area of Child, Youth and Family Care, CEPAIM, Spain

·     Robin van Oene, Legal Coordinator, ASKV/Refugee Support, the Netherlands

16.00 – 16.15


16.15 – 16.30

Closing remarks and the way forward

·      Adolfo Sommarribas, chair of the EMN Platform on Statelessness

·     Gerald Dunn, Secretary of the European Committee on Legal Co-operation (CDCJ), Council of Europe (online)











