In this study, the EMN NCP LU attempts to provide, as far as possible, an overview of existing approaches, mechanisms and measures implemented in Luxembourg in order to address irregular migration. The analysis of different governmental programmes has shown that the fight against irregular migration has gradually become a priority on policy level over the last decade. As a matter of fact, for national authorities the fight against irregular migration is one part of a general immigration policy. Addressing irregular migration thus goes hand-in-hand with the promotion of legal migration in accordance with labour force requirements of the economic activity sectors. In this sense, national policy largely follows the guiding lines of European policy on the subject. This latest assertion is equally reflected by the transposition of two main EU directives relating to irregular migration into national law, in particular the “return” directive and the “sanctions” directive.
On the other hand, the national legislation remains nevertheless the reflection of national political wills. Beyond the transpositions of Community law, it can be observed that the national legislative framework can and has been adapted as a response to a particular situation. Faced with pressures exerted by several associations which argue for the rights of foreigners, national authorities have stipulated pathways out of irregularity. Even if these provisions are considered widely ineffective by the associations, they are nonetheless enshrined in national law.