The European Migration Network (EMN) Luxembourg together with CEFIS and the Integration Department of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region is organising training for multipliers with an aim to increase interest and motivate young people to participate in the upcoming municipal elections.
The next municipal elections will take place on 11 June 2023 and non-Luxembourgers have the possibility of voting in these elections provided they register on the electoral lists. The Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region has launched an information and awareness campaign “I can vote” → jepeuxvoter.lu
To support the awareness raising campaign, EMN Luxembourg together with the CEFIS asbl is organising training for multipliers intended for (young) people who are interested to further raise awareness and motivation among their individual network to register on the electoral lists.
As a multiplier, you will be able to raise awareness and inform your community, your relatives, your colleagues, the residents of your municipality about political participation and municipal elections.
Practical information:
- What are we offering? 3 hour face-to-face training
- When ? 15 February 2023, 15:00 to 18:00
- Where ? University of Luxembourg, Belval Campus
- In what language? In French and/or in English
- Certificate of attendance signed by the Minister of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region
- Number of persons: up to 15 persons
- Participation is free of charge, food and drinks will be provided
Eligibility criteria:
- Do you have an interest in elections and civil participation?
- Do you live in Luxembourg?
- Are you at least 18 years old?
- Do you want to meet interesting people?
- Do you want to learn what it means to be a multiplier?
You are interested? Make sure you meet the eligibility criteria and register as soon as possible by filling in the form below! After filling in the registration form, you will receive a confirmation email in due time when you are selected as a participant. In case you have any questions or encounter any difficulties, please contact us via zane.rozenberga@uni.lu.